Price of Camel in Nigeria 2023/2024

The current price of Camel in Nigeria ranges from N150,000 to N300,000. Hello! This is Nigerianprice, where we examine and make public the cost of variety of goods and services within Nigeria. That’s our area of specialization. And remember, everything you read here is the best you can ever get on the internet.

Moving on to the cost of Camel in Nigeria, it is quite understandable that there is no how we are going to talk about Camel price without initially touching the nature of Camel particularly. It is just going to be like skipping processes right? Well, let have a quick run-through below.

Price of Camel in Nigeria

A camel is an even-toed ungulate in the genus Camelus that bears distinctive fatty deposits known as “humps” on its back. Camels have long been domesticated and, as livestock, they provide food (milk and meat) and textiles (fiber and felt from hair).

Camels are working animals especially suited to their desert habitat and are a vital means of transport for passengers and cargo. There are three surviving species of camel.

The one-humped dromedary makes up 94% of the world’s camel population, and the two-humped Bactrian camel makes up 6%. The wild Bactrian camel is a separate species and is now critically endangered.

Have you seen: Price of Cow in Nigeria?

Price of Camel in Nigeria (Cont.)

The word camel is also used informally in a wider sense, where the more correct term is “camelid”, to include all seven species of the family Camelidae: the true camels (the above three species), along with the “New World” camelids: the llama, the alpaca, the guanaco, and the vicuña, which belong to the separate tribe Lamini.

Camelids originated in North America during the Eocene, with the ancestor of modern camels, Paracamelus, migrating across the Bering land bridge into Asia during the late Miocene, around 6 million years ago.

From our research, it is made known that Camels can survive for long periods of time without food or water. They can easily carry an extra 200 pounds and can walk about 20 miles a day through the harsh desert climate. Camels also provide humans with food (milk and meat) and textiles (fiber and felt from hair).

Lately, there has been a huge turn up in the demand for Camels because of the exorbitant price of cows. It was said by some buyers that a N200,000 Camel can supply more meats than the cow sold for N400,000, which makes camel the better choice for buyers (especially for consumption purpose).

Price of Camel in Nigeria

How much is Camel in Nigeria?

Been doubtful about the cost of Camel in Nigeria? Here you have it. Camel price in Nigeria ranges from N150,000 to N300,000. How amazing! Camels seem affordable than cows in Nigeria.

Factors to consider before buying a Camel

1. Species

Since there are different classes of Camels with different characteristics, hence the demand for camels varies on the consumer’s preference. It is important to know the breed of the camel you are going to buy before purchasing it. Check additional information about different species of camels below.

General features of Camels

  • Long curved necks
  • Annual molt
  • Tufted tails
  • One hump on their backs
  • Broad and large feet
  • Four teats rather than two


  • Wild Bactrian’s hoof is claw-like.
  • Large and broad pad
  • Unique among mammals
  • Other ungulates walk on tips of hoof-covered toes


  • Composed of fibrous tissue and fat.
  • When fat is metabolized, it acts as a source of energy.
  • Concentration of body fat in humps is advantage in hot climate
  • Minimizes its presence throughout the rest of body
  • This reduces heat-trapping that occurs with insulating layers of fat.
  • Available nutrition determines size and shape – humps nearly disappear with starvation.
  • The humps are not used for water storage.


  • Slit-like – can be closed to protect against blowing sand
  • Special nasal cavities moisten air on way in, trap moisture going out


  • Long lashes protect against blowing sand
  • Bony arch over eye acts as sun shield


  • Small and rounded
  • Hairs protect ears from blowing sand


  • Prehensile lips, upper split in 2 halves
  • Incisors and canine teeth grow though out life

Features based on Species

Wild Bactrian camel

  • They always have 2 humps, and the humps are small, pointed, and conical
  • These Species have slender legs with no callosities on their knees
  • They have narrow feet
  • Their hair is always grayish on the body, dark-brow on other parts of their body

Domestic Bactrian camel

  • They always have 2 humps, and the humps are large, undefined shape
  • Shorter than dromedaries
  • Legs: short and stout
  • Feet: broad, 2-toed, cushioned by fat
  • Hair: long and dark; annual molt

Dromedary camel

  • 1 hump: more elastic than Bactrian, shrinks with age instead of flopping to side
  • Frame: lighter than Bactrian
  • Legs: longer and more slender than Bactrian
  • Hair: short, light-colored

2. The Camel’s Health

The health of the Camel is also important. Who would want to spend a huge amount on some unhealthy livestock? Nobody!

That is why you need to check very well if there is any health-wise flaw on the breed of camel that you want to buy. If the health condition is stable, then you have to move to the last factor, which is your budget and price.

3. Your Budget

Your budget has to correlate with the asking price provided by the camel seller. That’s obviously the back bone of the transaction.

If there is any difference between the price and your budget, try and negotiate with the seller, there might be an agreement. And if it goes the other way, try another way. This is Nigeria!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a camel in Naira?

Been doubtful about the cost of Camel in Nigeria? Here you have it. Camel price in Nigeria ranges from N150,000 to N300,000. How amazing! Camels seem affordable than cows in Nigeria.

What is a cow worth in Nigeria?

Cow SizesWeight (kg)Price in Nigeria
Small Size (Calf)Small₦90,000 to ₦150,000
Medium Size150 kg to 200 kg₦160,000 to ₦255,000
Big Size250 kg to 350 kg₦275,000 to ₦500,000
Giant Size Cow400 kg +₦600,000 upward

Why is camel expensive?

They are expensive in Nigeria, because their owners keep track of their linages, which are very important among them, thus the cost is that you are paying for its specific linage, which makes some so much very expensive over others. Some are through breads, which are raced.

Is camel better than beef?

Camel meat is much better than beef in that it has lesser fat than all the other red meats such as beef and mutton. Camel lean meat contains about 78% water, 19% protein, 3% fat and 1.2% ash with a small amount of intramuscular fat. Camel meat has a comparable essential amino acid contents to beef, lamb and goat meat.

What is the most expensive camel?

It was organized by the Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture and Heritage in order to celebrate unique aspects of the Gulf region’s culture. The most expensive camel in Sheikh Hamdan’s lot, a 10 million dirham ($2.72 million USD) female, is also the most expensive camel in the world.

Can we drink camel milk?

It has recently gained attention as a health food in more developed countries. Research shows that camel milk is better tolerated by people with lactose intolerance and allergies to cow’s milk. It may also lower blood sugar, boost immunity, and aid certain behavioral and neurodevelopmental conditions like autism.

Is it good to eat camel?

Camel is an essential part of the Middle Eastern and African diets and with good reason. Not only are camels abundant in these regions, but their meat also has fantastic health benefits. Furthermore, it is low in cholesterol and has high amounts of minerals like magnesium, iron, and potassium.

Wrapping Up on the cost of Camel in Nigeria

That is all about the price of camel in Nigeria. If there is anything you want us to elaborate on, kindly bring it on here. Remember, your feedback goes a long a way in helping us improve.

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